
Ofrecemos una propuesta educativa innovadora, la cual promueve en nuestros estudiantes el amor por el arte, la ciencia y el medio ambiente, utilizando estrategias novedosas.


It is well known that a second language will always have pros instead of cons, but why just settle with a second language when the world is full of different, colorful, and melodic languages?

This was the topic of the cultural week in our English day. This tongue is well known as the universal language, so we have tried our best to make our students fluent speakers, and we must admit, we have done a pretty good job so far. Not to sound cocky, but we have achieved several meaningful goals along the way when it comes to handling this second language.

English is just another language amount the almost 6,500 languages that are spoken in the world today

We are not saying that we have the goal of becoming polyglots and handling dozens of different languages. Still, it would be interesting if we take a look at what there is outside waiting for us.

In order to find out what our students like about this matter, we applied a survey. We realized that they are interested in learning a third language, like Italian, Portuguese, and French. Who would have thought that among our community there were already people, both students and teachers, who handle some of those languages?! So, this year’s topic was getting to know more languages and the rich culture behind them. We made stands where our kids pointed out significant facts of the countries and cultures from Brazil, the USA (of course), and France. They were able to teach their classmates about the typical food, dresses, flags, and anthems those countries have, and the best part was that they did it using a third language! Of course, there was always a teacher next to, supporting them just in case, but our kids shined by themselves!

Stands Semana Cultural

It was so exciting singing, reading poetry, and even playing games using those other languages. All this showed that even when our students enjoy their English classes, they are more than ready to start a third language class, maybe Portuguese or French. (Those two were the most voted in the survey mentioned above)

We hope this experience triggers the motivation required to set such a new and ambitious goal. We are sure that our students will enjoy this ride and become more and more competent in a world of constant changes and challenges.

Frank J. Acevedo, English Teacher.

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